Satisfaction Guarantee

Everything we print is guaranteed. If you are not satisfied, return it to us for a reprint or a credit.

Our Guarantee Seal

We offer Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee to our first-time retail customers for the print products that we sell. This includes business cards, postcards, envelopes, letterhead etc. If you are not entirely satisfied with the finished printed product, you can send it back to us for a full refund of the printing cost only. It is recommended that you first place a small order (up to $100.00) before placing a large order for this guarantee to be valid; that way you will know exactly what quality to look forward to.

A.C. Printing Co., Inc. is committed to delivering top-quality print products, not only meeting or exceeding industry standards, but also meeting or exceeding yours.

Therefore, we make this guarantee to you: If we produce a product that has defects in workmanship or materials, or if we fail to follow any written instructions received from you, our valued customer, we will reprint the job, at our expense, upon receipt of returned defective/faulty merchandise.

Please note, this guarantee does not apply to errors in customer-supplied digital files, including, but not limited to, poor quality or low resolution graphics, improper color model, missing fonts, defective file formats, incorrect copy (text), or corrections that were not noted upon final proof approval. It is also important for you to know that although A.C. Printing Co., Inc. strives to assure top-notch, aesthetically pleasing color standards, it is not possible for us or any printing company to guarantee that the printed results will match the colors represented on your computer screen or by your home/office printer.